Since everyone else has this 15-days thing going on, I was thinking why not have it on my own blog as well? Starting tomorrow.
Day 01 - A photo of the item you last purchased
Day 02 - A photo of yourself, not taken by you
Day 03 - What's in your bag?
Day 04 - A photo that makes you happy
Day 05 - Your dream wedding.
Day 06 - A photo of your handwriting.
Day 07 - What's in your makeup bag?
Day 08 - Your current wishlist.
Day 09 - A hobby of yours
Day 10 - A Place You've Traveled To
Day 11 - A tv show you're currently addicted to
Day 12 - Your wallet
Day 13 - A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 14 - Your favourite movie.
Day 15 - A photo of your faviourite item of clothing

åå, sånn har jeg og nå, bare litt anderledes ting på listen :D :D
SvarSlettnydelige bilder !!! :D